Eye Wash / Emergency Shower Sizing

Complete the equipment settings and application sizing fields to have AmeriSize calculate the estimated hot water loads. When ready click the "Continue" button to view the recommended American heaters for your project.

System Settings


Fuel Type
Equipment Location
Number of Heaters Altitude

Application Data


Cold Water Temperature °F Not greater than 0 Stored Water Temperature °F Not greater than 0

Unit Application Loads

Wash Type
Quantity Not greater than 0
Flowrate USGPM Not greater than 0
Delivery Temperature °F Not greater than 0
Flush Time minutes Not greater than 0
Cycles per Hour

Additional Load and Intentional Oversize

Additional Load
Not greater than 0
Design Oversize

Load Summary

Peak Demand 0 USGPH Temperature Rise 100 °F
Emergency Eye Wash / Shower Storage

Emergency Eye Wash and Shower installations require adequate hot water storage to ensure that hot water is always available when needed. Special care must be taken with the sizing of the storage tanks for these applications.